Currently we don't have Alarm Modems with built in GPS-Module, but there are a lot of cheap GPS receivers with RS232 interface on the market.
These can be connected to the Alarm Modem and queried by ASCII protocol (see
PLC-TiXML-Handbuch Chapter 4.2).
Here is an example for a "
Holux GPS Receiver GR-213" (~ 60€).
The GPS receiver transmitts a NMEA data stream on it's RS232 with 4800bps, 8N1.
Just two lines are interesting for us:
These will be processed by the ASCII protocol:
[<SetConfig _="PROCCFG" ver="y">
<Bus _="COM2" BusId="1" baud="4800" protocol="Tixi.Com,ASCII" type="Master" format="8N1" Mem="100000">
<Device _="1" Pollrate="1s">
<!--Data format Global Positioning System Fix data (GGA)-->
<GGA_UTC_hh _="B" acc="R" Find="$GPGGA" Pos="1" Width="2" Request="" ResTime="2s" CharTime="1s" ResEnd="$GPGSA" format="F02"/>
<GGA_UTC_mm _="B" acc="R" Find="$GPGGA" Pos="3" Width="2" format="F02"/>
<GGA_UTC_ss _="B" acc="R" Find="$GPGGA" Pos="5" Width="2" format="F02"/>
<GGA_Latitude _="S" acc="R" Find="$GPGGA" Pos="12" Width="11"/>
<GGA_Longitude _="S" acc="R" Find="$GPGGA" Pos="24" Width="12"/>
<GGA_Satellites _="B" acc="R" Find="$GPGGA" Pos="39" Width="2"/>
<!--Data format Recommended Minimum Specific GNSS Data (RMC)-->
<RMC_UTC_hh _="B" acc="R" Find="$GPRMC" Pos="1" Width="2" ResTime="2s" CharTime="1s" ResEnd="$GPVTG" format="F02"/>
<RMC_UTC_mm _="B" acc="R" Find="$GPRMC" Pos="3" Width="2" format="F02"/>
<RMC_UTC_ss _="B" acc="R" Find="$GPRMC" Pos="5" Width="2" format="F02"/>
<RMC_Status _="S" acc="R" Find="$GPRMC" Pos="12" Width="1"/>
<RMC_Latitude _="S" acc="R" Find="$GPRMC" Pos="14" Width="11"/>
<RMC_Longitude _="S" acc="R" Find="$GPRMC" Pos="26" Width="12"/>
<RMC_Date_dd _="B" acc="R" Find="$GPRMC" Pos="50" Width="2" format="F02"/>
<RMC_Date_mm _="B" acc="R" Find="$GPRMC" Pos="52" Width="2" format="F02"/>
<RMC_Date_yy _="B" acc="R" Find="$GPRMC" Pos="54" Width="2" format="F02"/>
As a result you'll get a list of GPS variables like these, which you can use for logging or within messages:
GGA_UTC_hh _="11"
GGA_UTC_mm _="12"
GGA_UTC_ss _="40"
GGA_Latitude _="5237.6161,N"
GGA_Longitude _="01316.1119,E"
GGA_Satellites _="10"
RMC_UTC_hh _="11"
RMC_UTC_mm _="12"
RMC_UTC_ss _="39"
RMC_Status _="A"
RMC_Latitude _="5237.6161,N"
RMC_Longitude _="01316.1119,E"
RMC_Date_dd _="30"
RMC_Date_mm _="07"
RMC_Date_yy _="07"
The advantage of GGA is the number of satellites as a variable.
The advantage of RMC is the validation (status=A) and the date, which might be used for time synchronization.
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